martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016



Our superheroe and superheroine are...

Wonder Woman

Welcome to our classroom!!!

We received a big surprise this morning. We found a letter for us.

We read the letter. It was our first clue!

Then, we followed the little spiders along the corridor to the school library. 

 WOW!!! We found a spider and its net there.

 And a new message! We read it carefully.

Now we have to investigate about our superheroe. 

What do you know about Spiderman?

Now it´s time for a new mission...

One morning, there´s a new message for us. It was a big surprise!!!

There was another supersecret mission for us...

We followed the little stars uptairs, to the first floor.

They led us to the staff room.

We found a letter there. Wonder Woman told us that she had helped Spiderman to find a villain: Dr Octopus. 

She also reminded us of the important things to be a real superheroe.

Let´s investigate!! 

We wanted to know more things about our superheroine. We decided to look for some information about her, such as her real name, origin, special powers, strengths...

We did our research and shared our information about her and the way she developed specific abilities that made her SUPER-AWESOME!!!

And this was our reward for a great job!!

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